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Australia: Hope for Lyme sufferers with ‘groundbreaking’ pilot study

[CanLyme Note: Once again, it is the patients, true ethical scientists, and clinicians doing what the governments have refused to do for decades… appropriate research as opposed to the anti-science, anti-patient work of government and medical societies, such as the Infectious Disease Society of America who yield so much control over governments and medical societies internationally. Patients have found that the only way to get things done is to no longer waste time trying to get government agencies to do what is right.]

23rd Mar 2018 by Hamish Broome

HUNDREDS of sick Australians – including Northern Rivers residents – are hoping that a new research study might provide a breakthrough on the debilitating illness plaguing their lives.

The Lyme Disease Association of Australia is funding a pilot study to test clinical samples from patients who believe they are suffering from Lyme disease.

The pilot study will use an innovative method for the diagnosis of vector borne infections.

LDAA CEO Sharon Whiteman said the group was delighted to announce the study, made possible by a grant from the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW.

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  1. I have a question….do you think the gov’t will be more or less likely to accept the results from this research than the CDC or IDSA? Likewise with the Magnotta Research centre….more or less acceptance?

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