Globe and Mail: How ticks became a major public health issue
[CanLyme Note: The tell-tale “bull’s eye” rash seldom occurs. Of those 17 children in Nova Scotia with confirmed Lyme Disease, only 18% had a rash of any kind. Current research indicates only a “small subset” of the various strains of borrelia bacteria that cause Lyme disease will cause any rash. Read here.]
August 9th, 2015 Erin Anderssen Globe and Mail
The tall grass at my cottage outside Lunenburg, N.S., is a no-go zone. This is Tickland.
If the barbecue tongs should happen to slip off the deck, a debate ensues over who will tread into Tickland to fetch them. We find ourselves tiptoeing across the grass, which my husband cuts regularly with a weed trimmer, his pants tucked into his socks. …
… “There is nothing good inside a tick,” says Vett Lloyd, a biologist at New Brunswick’s Mount Allison University who studies ticks and has experienced her own serious case of Lyme disease. “Personally, if every tick vanished on the planet, I wouldn’t be sorry.”
How much ‘mental illness’ these days is undiagnosed Lyme or Syphilis as in my case. My depth perception was affected profoundly by this infection as I discovered after Herbal treatment killed it in my brain.
In other words, it took treatment for me to realize how my depth perception had been so very skewed.