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Today, April 9th, 2015, Dr. Oz discusses Lyme Disease and Avril Lavigne’s revelation

Watch preview of today’s Dr. Oz TV show as he chats with People Magazine’s senior editor about the magazine’s cover story regarding Avril Lavigne’s bout with Lyme Disease.

Watch here


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  1. It works fine for me. My wife was able to watch it as well on her computer. Have to suffer through some advertising though.

  2. I have been ill since May 22 2014 ..i woke up one morning with a 1mm hole in my elbow, a red swelling around it with a white swelling around that painless/2nd day started to feel ill/4th day I couldn’t stand up, was vomiting, fever, terrible fatigue, I had to cancel work for the first day in my life in the past 34 years. I was admitted into E.R hospital/diagnosis Sepsis/ put on IV enceph x 11days 3x day/put on another antibiotic Keflex for 30 days but I didn’t get better. My family MD couldn’t see me for 5 more week s so I put myself on doxycycline “the lyme disease treatment” but this was 5 months later after the incident. here I am 11months later only able to work part time.4 days out of 14 days ..I took 5 months off (oct to Feb)and stayed home to sleep..no medical treatment was given because I got a negative tier one Lyme test(ELISA) therefore I was not allowed to take the western Blot test…I have gotten help from a PHD in nutrition/had live blood analysis and saw the spirochetes in my blood on 3 occasions / I am doctor of dental surgery and have a medical science background/ I know what I am looking at besides the one showing me/I was told by the MD live blood analysis is too subjective..but why are there spirochetes in my blood?my white blood cells are lower than normal on every blood test for the year/ am trying Naturopathic Doctor’s IV treatments to boost the immune system, I have extreme fatigue/headaches/electric shocks in my L hand/ fractured sleep/ night sweats/painful joints/numbness & tingling/visual disturbances /irregular heart beats /all cardiac testing is normal/one night atrial fibrillation woke me/I get palpitations intermittently/memory fog..MD thinks I am depressed/ I am so tired that I cant get normal daily tasks done and things are piling up in my house /very tough at income tax time… I have been one of those people with an unusual amount of energy so for me this is totally out of character…ihope something happens to help me. I hope I don’t become a statistic and continue to worsen until this causes death like the Magnotta Winery person.in Niagara…I actually thought I was dying possibly last October to February and told my brother that. I hope someone reads this who can help me. I sent out a test to California for Lyme Disease and am waiting for the results.3 people I know personally contracted Lyme disease in Sudbury..2 have been treated with an injection because they were able to bring in the insect..one is still ill because her test(like mine is negative) she has been off work disabled for 2 years in her early thirties. 🙁

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