Upcoming Lyme Awareness/Support events
Ongoing meetings, Winnipeg, MB
Meet every third Tuesday of month.
Month of February, meeting Tuesday February 17 at 7 pm,
622 Tache, Winnipeg, Manitoba. All welcome
Calgary, AB, April 23rd, 2015 Dual showing of Under Our Skin For details go to https://www.albertalyme.org/events/index.html
Nelson, BC, May 23rd, 2015 Showing of Under Our Skin 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at United Church 602 Silica St., Nelson, BC
I send a link for our video for the montreal day protest in May. It is on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oKxh0JTdm8
In collaboration with AQML. There is a facebook page for this event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1444199702489377/
Thank you!
we are on disabilty income and testing is expensive here saskatchawn. most symptoms in my husband are very prominent. does not know what to do. doctors thinks it is not possible he has it. my husband thinks he contracted it possibly when working at a regional park about 7 years ago and health has gone down hill since then what can we do and is getting very bad
I had Lyme and I am aware of several people who contracted Lyme Disease in Sask, one is Melanie Blager, 15 or so years ago near Rosthern. Since, she has
documented Lyme carrying ticks. Another, Kim, caught Lyme while working in. southern Saskatchewan park. Star Phoenix A4 Tuesday, June 10, 2014.
Desperate in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In 2010 I was diagnosed with a medical condition known as IBM [ Inclusion Body Myositis ]. My neurologist had no idea what IBM was, so together we read up about it on the internet. I totally disagreed and asked to be tested for Lyme. Of course Saskatchewan tests came back negative. Well 6 years later I had pretty much given up on life. I couldn’t afford to be tested and treated in the States so I decided to treat myself for late stage Lyme. I figured what’s the worst that can happen…” die “. I’m dying anyway and my quality of life, lets just say if I was a dog I would have been put down a long time ago. Now for the good news. 1 year later I’m no longer in a wheelchair and I survived open heart surgery Nov. 2016 because I was getting stronger and exercising. The circular rash that was on the sole of my foot for 6 years, that the dermatologist said was eczema went away and my CK level was normal for the first time in 6 years. I strongly believe that I was successful in killing the Lyme bacteria. Although my arteries had become 90% blocked due to 6 years of inactivity, I’m really hopeful that I can continue to get stronger and obtain a quality of life. P.S. – I documented my treatment from May 12 / 2016 up until Nov. 18 / 2016 at which time I had my heart attack and they wouldn’t allow me to continue my treatment of antibiotics.
My daughter is now 27 and we are watching her deteriorate before our eyes. When we finally wrote out her medical history since she was first noticing issues at 12 years of age, we couldn’t help but ask doctors to test her for lyme. Reluctantly they did and it came back negative. So we took her to a functional medicine doctor in Calgary who had treated another family member for lyme and the tests this doctor sent to Germany came back positive. So my poor daughter is breaking the bank trying to keep up with paying for all of her medical bills on her own – because you guessed it – nothing is covered. She would like to see a specialist but no one will refer her because – the canadain test came back negative. What are we supposed to do? Let her become debilitated enough not to work – take away her quality of life because we can’t afford to pay for specialized care??? Come on Canada! What do we have to do to prove YES SHE IS SICK!!! What is this association doing to raise awareness of the cost this issue has on it’s victims? Where can we go for help??