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Global News: “How to prevent run-ins with ticks” with CanLyme president Janet Sperling

It can be easy to let your guard down in the wilderness as the summer wraps up, but tick season stretches well into the fall! For how to prevent issues with ticks and what you should be looking for, Janet Sperling from the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation joins Candace Daniel. Watch Here

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Global News: ‘How to prevent run-ins with ticks’ with CanLyme president Janet Sperling

It can be easy to let your guard down in the wilderness as the summer wraps up, but tick season stretches well into the fall! For how to prevent issues with ticks and what you should be looking for, Janet Sperling from the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation joins Candace Daniel. Watch here

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A review of ticks in Canada and health risks from exposure

Tick species are undergoing range expansions across Canada due to global warming, animal migration, and land fragmentation. It is estimated that their range is expanding northwards by 35–55km per year. Species posing the greatest risk to humans are the Ixodes scapularis (blacklegged tick) and the Ixodes pacificus (Western blacklegged tick). The risk of human tick-borne infections is increasing. Populations…

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Spiroplasma ixodetis Infections in Immunocompetent and Immunosuppressed Patients after Tick Exposure, Sweden

“Spiroplasma spp. are intracellular organisms that belong to the class Mollicutes, which include Mycoplasma spp. These bacteria have a single-layer cell membrane, cannot be visualized by Gram staining, require special substrates for growth, and can be diagnosed by genetic methods (6). Plants, insects, and ticks are known reservoirs (7). S. ixodetis was initially reported in…

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Prevalence of Infection and Co-Infection and Presence of Rickettsial Endosymbionts in Ixodes Scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Connecticut, USA.

Abstract Ixodes scapularis is currently known to transmit 7 pathogens responsible for Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, tick-borne relapsing fever, ehrlichiosis, and Powassan encephalitis. Ixodes scapularis can also be colonized by endosymbiotic bacteria including those in the genus of Rickettsia. We screened 459 I. scapularis ticks submitted to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Tick Testing Laboratory with the objectives to (1) examine…

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‘Every season is tick season’: Experts warn of winter Lyme disease risk

People have ‘let their guard down’ and aren’t checking for ticks as weather cools, says zoologist   Laurenne Schiller loves taking her dog Cousteau for walks along Halifax trails as the weather cools. But even after the first dusting of snow this week, each walk finishes with a head-to-toe check for blacklegged ticks on her…

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Epidemiology of Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis [Can be coinfection with other tick borne disease(s) or stand alone infections]

Nov 26th, 2018 Ehrlichiosis “Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by several Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacteria that are transmitted by a tick vector. The frequency of ehrlichiosis is increasing, which is ascribed to the increased awareness and diagnostic availability, as well as the expansion of regions populated with the most common tick vector – Amblyomma americanum (also known…

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Lyme disease in Saskatchewan ticks, and dog ticks can infect Borrelia miyamotoi.

The vast majority of ticks found in Saskatchewan are Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick), a species not known to be a competent vector of typical Lyme borreliosis (Borrelia burrgdorferi s.l.) to humans.  However, recently Borrelia miyamotoi has been found in Canadian ticks coast to coast. Also, this from Manitoba, Saskatchewan’s next door neighbour. Borrelia miyamotoi causes similar disease in humans…

Comparison of bacterial 16S rRNA variable regions for microbiomesurveys of ticks

https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2017.02.002 Abstract   Ticks vector diverse pathogenic bacteria that are important to identify in public health and veterinary contexts. Technological advances in high throughput sequencing have given an unprecedented opportunity to comprehensively characterize bacterial associates of ticks, but recent studies have used different 16S rRNA variable regions and sequence read lengths with little consideration of…

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Popular on 630 CHED radio, the Ryan Jespersen show interviews CanLyme director Janet Sperling and Edmonton area support group founder Kim Spears

You can listen here at https://www.630ched.com/audio-vault/ Select May 25th, 9 am, then drag the scroll bar to 8:55 for the beginning of the Lyme talk.

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Ticks that Transmit Lyme Disease Reported in 48.6% of U.S. Counties

[CanLyme note:  A good take home message from this article linked below is that for government to focus heavily on only known areas where ticks are established, is misguided. Canada is comprised of millions of square kilometers.  Less than one percent of one percent are looked at for Lyme disease in nature. If you have…

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Partially fed ticks who then re-attach to a new host can transmit Lyme disease within 24 hours 83% of the time according to study.

Int J Gen Med. 2015; 8: 1–8. Published online 2014 Dec 19. doi:  10.2147/IJGM.S73791 PMCID: PMC4278789 Lyme borreliosis: a review of data on transmission time after tick attachment “It was also found that partially fed ticks would efficiently re-attach to a new host, and in these new hosts transmission occurred in 83% of cases within…

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London, England: Health warning after ‘Lyme disease ticks’ are found in Richmond Park

Thursday, September 24th, 2015 Ticks carrying the debilitating Lyme disease have been found in London’s Richmond Park, according to university scientists. Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine warned visitors to exercise caution in order to avoid contracting the bacterial infection, which can be passed on to humans via bites from the…

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How to Protect Horses From Lyme Disease

By Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc June 17, 2015 The Horse magazine Spring has sprung … and so have the ticks. With some of those ticks comes the risk of your horse contracting Lyme disease, an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme disease is transmitted mainly viaIxodes ticks, which pass the bacteria from infected…