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Montreal Gazette: Quebec opening 15 long-COVID and Lyme disease clinics

[CanLyme Note: If these clinics as regards to Lyme disease are to be bound to follow the current Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada endorsed guidelines then taxpayers will have their tax dollars wasted once again and chronic Lyme disease sufferers will continue to burden the tax payer funded disability programs unnecessarily in many cases.  We are cautiously hopeful.]

Quebec will open 15 clinics specialized in long-COVID and Lyme disease across the province, health minister Christian Dubé announced on Thursday.

The network, to be coordinated by the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM), is to include five referral centres and 10 satellite clinics.

Announced as a pilot project in this year’s provincial budget, the clinics are to open in the coming months and remain open for three years, at which point the pilot project will be reviewed and the services adjusted according to needs, Dubé said.

“Long COVID, like Lyme disease in its persistent form, are diseases that are not yet well understood, both in Quebec and elsewhere in the world,” the health minister said in a statement.

“We want to ensure that people who suffer from the consequences of these diseases receive the services they need, like any other patient. The scientific advances that these clinics will allow will also be of great use to us in better diagnosing and treating those affected and, thus, enabling them to have a better quality of life.”

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  1. WoW, quelle bonne nouvelle. Merci Amir ainsi que tous ceux qui croient et qui participe à mettre ces nouvelles cliniques sur pied.

  2. WOW, this is a long time coming. I am causiously awaiting to hear great success as the Quebec province boldly tries to attach an ex accepted Covid disease with the still controversial Lyme and tick Borne diseases community.

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