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United States Annual Cases of Lyme Disease for 2017 Over 400,000

[CanLyme Note: The numbers reflected by the CDC in no way represent the total number of cases occurring annually in the USA.  As per the CDC press release in 2013 they acknowledge that “surveillance data” only gathers about 10% of the true numbers of cases putting a more realistic total annual count for 2017 at over 400,000 cases.


In 2017, a total of 42,743 confirmed and probable cases of Lyme disease were reported to CDC, almost 9% more than in 2016. The geographic distribution of high incidence areas with Lyme disease appears to be expanding based on data reported to National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS). The number of counties with an incidence of ≥10 confirmed cases per 100,000 persons increased from 324 in 2008 to 454 in 2017.

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