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To Hell and Back: denial of access to health care in Canada. Another disgraceful failure of the Public Health Agency of Canada, now a Human Rights issue

June 19th, 2018

This is another example of the disgraceful anti-science, anti-collaborative management of health care in Canada. Federal and provincial health authorities, devoid of oversight by patients and their experts have total disregard for the life and well being of untold thousands of Canadians whose numbers are growing annually.

Holding meeting after meeting with no progress, no action plan, no policy discussion or change is simply designed to placate advocates while achieving the status quo of harmful deadly practices.

Only those who can afford it have a chance… a good chance as seen below.  “I and my daughter are examples of success but no thanks to Canadian health care.  This is now a global human rights matter as presented to the United Nations by Jenna Luche-Thayer, myself Jim Wilson, president and founder of CanLyme, Jennifer Kravis of Lymehope and members of many other countries in early June 2018“.

Legislation in Canada was passed (Bill 442) unanimously in 2014 yet the medical bureaucrats within Health Canada simply snubbed their respective noses at it, telling Canadians they the bureaucrats are above the law, that they can kill and maim at their choosing by doing nothing while ignoring real scientists and physician’s experts.  They refuse to put the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of Canada (AMMI) to task because most of the players in Health Canada setting policy relative to Lyme disease are current or past AMMI (supporters & members)  with close ties to the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) who are rife with conflicts of interest relative to the for-profit side of, keeping people sick and improperly diagnosed.

Diagnoses in question that require immediate re-investigation in each case… multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinsonism, heart conditions, and… the long list goes on.  Lyme bacteria are not new, they precede humans.

If you have not been convinced please watch this video that plays out in real time but for only those who can afford it,

Watch CTV video










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One Comment

  1. The powerful comments and video help counter the Lyme and tick-borne diseases denialism of our state actors and public health officials. Our elected representatives are afraid to take even the smallest steps to right the wrongs and prefer to play it safe by listening and following only the advice from their medical advisors who are maintaining the status quo while ignoring patient groups. This is a public health disaster and constitutes public health malpractice.

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