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Ontario Lyme Alliance responds to article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that missed the mark.

Re: Lyme disease: How reliable are serologic results? see also https://canlyme.com/?p=7245
Debra L. Fraleigh, Co-founder

Ontario Lyme Alliance

A thorough examination of the full text of the Fallon study (1), referenced by Gregson et al, demonstrates that for thirty-seven Lyme patients (all of whom met historical clinical AND laboratory criteria for LD) archived sera from fewer than half of these confirmed patients (37.8%- 48.6%) tested positive at each of all four laboratories using the CDC two- tiered algorithm for ELISA and IgG WB. The Fallon et al study also demonstrated a considerable lack of concordance among the labs; thus, patient sera may test positive at one lab but not another. This would suggest that the answer to the title question is: less reliable than a coin toss.

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  1. Excellent well researched article that questions the validity of the AMMI’s rigid position and management of this epidemic. It is what we needed to counter their statements.

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