
Lyme disease denial by those we pay to look after us is international for those countries closely associated with the United States Center for Disease Control.

Have we all not heard this government denial before in North America, Great Britain and some Western European countries while other countries simply deal with it? What’s up we ask? Now Australia too?

Lyme disease sufferers rally for recognition

09 Sep, 2012 03:00 AM

THERE is no conclusive evidence Lyme disease caused by ticks exists in Australia – that is if you believe the NSW Health Department website.

But try telling that to sufferers of the disease planning to rally outside the department’s offices in North Sydney on Friday. They are calling for recognition of the disease, which they believe affects as many as 200,000 people across the country.

They say  there should be more research, increased accredited testing processes and education for doctors to recognise, test and treat both early- and chronic-stage Lyme disease.

The protesters will include outdoor workers in national parks who have contracted the disease and  are backed by the Public Service Association. The PSA’s industrial officer, Geo Papas, said: “It is outrageous that our government health authorities have buried their collective heads in the sand over this issue.

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One Comment

  1. I agree this is also a problem in Canada. The sad part of this is our ID doctors have now made a statement for 20 some years that we have no Lyme here. My opinion is until these doctors retire we will not get treatment for late Lyme.

    We too need to protest Canada wide. We need a united voice so our doctors don’t loose their Jobs when they treat late Lyme. I was told I had to see an ID specialist in order to continue treatment for Late Lyme. Government agencies know that our ID people will not treat late Lyme.

    We now have two cases in Manitoba who were diagnosed a year after they were bitten. Now they were diagnosed they have Lyme by an ID specialist one by test and the other clinically. Neither of these patients got any treatment, no orals no IV medications. So they are not saying they don’t have lyme just refuse to treat.

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