SPECT Brain Imaging in Chronic Lyme Disease
Donta, Sam T. MD, Noto, Richard B. MD, Vento, John A. MD
Clinical Nuclear Medicine, September 2012, Volume 37, Issue 9, e219-e222.
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Donta, Sam T. MD, Noto, Richard B. MD, Vento, John A. MD
Clinical Nuclear Medicine, September 2012, Volume 37, Issue 9, e219-e222.
[CanLyme note: Public Health Agency of Canada researchers have reported finding Borrelia miyamotoi in ticks Canada wide. In Canada we have many strains and in North America in general there are many strains within the genus Borrelia that cause infection in humans. To attempt to distinguish what symptoms are from a relapsing fever Borrelia as opposed to a Lyme…
Despite its many delights, summer also brings its fair share of pestilence. One, called babesiosis, has only recently been widely recognized as a potentially serious outdoor hazard. According to a very detailed study conducted on Block Island, R.I., it could eventually rival Lyme disease as the most common tick-borne ailment in the United States. But…
Objective: A structured clinical interview is proposed to assist in the overall clinical assessment when late state Lyme disease is suspected. Method: From a combination of clinical experience, journal review, and discussion with colleagues, a structured interview was developed. Information from patients with late stage neuropsychiatric Lyme disease (NPLD) was entered into a database to…
Chris D. Crowder, Heather E. Carolan, Megan A. Rounds, Vaclav Honig, Benedikt Mothes, Heike Haag, Oliver Nolte, Ben J. Luft, Libor Grubhoffer, David J. Ecker, Steven E. Schutzer, and Mark W. Eshoo AbstractBorrelia miyamotoi, a relapsing fever-related spirochete transmitted by Ixodes ticks, has been recently shown to be a human pathogen. To characterize the prevalence…
By Jim Moodie, The Sudbury Star, August 26th, 2015 The city is experiencing a minor rash of Lyme-carrying ticks, any one of which could cause a major rash to form on the skin of an infected person. On Tuesday, the Sudbury and District Health Unit reported two blacklegged ticks had tested positive for the Lyme disease…
Abstract: The diagnoses of Lyme disease based on clinical manifestations, serological findings and detection of infectious agents often contradict each other. We tested 52 blind-coded serum samples, including 20 pre-treatment and 12 post-treatment sera from clinically suspect Lyme disease patients, for the presence of residual Lyme disease infectious agents, using nested PCR amplification of a…
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i have foci more than 50 in my brain how can i make doctor tell me that this is not right when i talk about lyme they get mad walk away from me i worked as a forest fire crewman for 28 years in the woods yes i had ticks on me i live in north washington state . is there a place canada that i can come to for testing i live 40 mi fromthe borter in north wa.
Do you have an PDF or HTML file of the whole study?
No, sorry. I suspect it may be copyright protected so only those who pay will actually get to read it (unless you have a friendly University member who can access it via their account).
Try Dr. Eric Chan in Richmond BC 1-604-275-0163
The study is available online if you google it.