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Are you a parent in Canada with a child struggling with Lyme disease? Canadian researchers want to hear from you!!

May 2019 UPDATE “The data collection for this study is now complete. The researchers from the Mount Allison University Lyme Research Network would like to thank all the parents who took the time to respond to our request for letters. The letters we received were compelling and impactful, and we are grateful that you took…

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Lyme disease: A case report of a 17-year old male with fatal Lyme carditis

March 21, 2015 Abstract Lyme disease is a systemic infection commonly found in the northeastern, mid-Atlantic and north-central regions of the United States. Of the many systemic manifestations of Lyme disease, cardiac involvement is uncommon and rarely causes mortality. We describe a case of a 17-year-old adolescent who died unexpectedly after a 2-week viral-like syndrome….


A Unique Case of Adolescent Neuroborreliosis Presenting with Multiple Cranial Neuritis and Cochlear Inflammation on Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Abstract   Background Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States, and is caused by infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. In children, neuroborreliosis usually presents as peripheral facial nerve palsy and lymphocytic meningitis, and only rarely is associated with cranial polyneuritis. Case We present a 15 year-old with tinnitus, hearing…