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The US government and Infectious Disease Society of America admitted they cannot win the battle on Lyme with science.

Read this https://www.openeyepictures.com/references/McSweegan.pdf Dr. Morshed from the British Columbia Center for Disease Control, listed as a recipient on the emails seen in the link, participates in this nonsensical anti-science “socio-political offensive” regularly. Morshed’s approach has been supported and fortified by Dr. Perry Kendall and Dr. David Patrick for years. Their behind the scenes involvement in the…

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HHS Working Group on Lyme and Other Tickborne Diseases Webinar – May 22, 2014 Archive

  The HHS Working Group on Lyme and Other Tickborne Diseases invites you to listen to the archived webinar with experts scientists that took place on May 22, 2014. Listen to Dr. Stephen Barthold, Dr. Linda Bockenstedt, Dr. Monica Embers, Dr. Adriana Marques, and Dr. Linden Hu give their presentations and answer questions from individuals who were…

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Delays, Deceit, and Nonsense – US CDC took 5 years to act on Freedom of Information request re: Lyme disease gov’t emails

… “Newby believes the delays were related to the documents’ content, which, she said, “reveal a disturbing picture of a quasi-governmental group … setting Lyme disease policy and a national research agenda without public oversight or transparency.” Read full article