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United States Annual Cases of Lyme Disease for 2017 Over 400,000

[CanLyme Note: The numbers reflected by the CDC in no way represent the total number of cases occurring annually in the USA.  As per the CDC press release in 2013 they acknowledge that “surveillance data” only gathers about 10% of the true numbers of cases putting a more realistic total annual count for 2017 at over…

Lyme Warriors Call for Congressional Investigation of CDC, IDSA, Vaccine Makers

ARLINGTON, Va., May 23, 2014  PRNewswire Lyme activists, who have the Infectious Diseases Society of America headquarters surrounded and under siege, issued a call for a Congressional Investigation of corruption within the CDC, IDSA, and the vaccine industry. According to Lyme researcher and activist, Carl Tuttle, “An investigation is long overdue. The conflicts of interest…

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Lyme disease more common than previously thought [10 times more cases says US CDC putting number at 300,000 cases per year!]

ATLANTA August 19, 2013 (AP) By MIKE STOBBE AP Medical Writer   Lyme disease is about 10 times more common than previously reported, health officials said Monday. As many as 300,000 Americans are actually diagnosed with Lyme disease each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced. Usually, only 20,000 to 30,000 illnesses are…