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Detecting Borrelia Spirochetes: A Case Study With Validation Among Autopsy Specimens

The complex etiology of neurodegenerative disease has prompted studies on multiple mechanisms including genetic predisposition, brain biochemistry, immunological responses, and microbial insult. In particular, Lyme disease is often associated with neurocognitive impairment with variable manifestations between patients. We sought to develop methods to reliably detect Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochete bacteria responsible for Lyme disease, in autopsy…

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Global TV addresses Lyme for Lyme awareness

“Raising awareness about Lyme disease With more people heading out to enjoy the great outdoors, comes a timely reminder to avoid tick bites. Sarah Cormode, host of the podcast “Looking at Lyme”, explains how she is raising awareness about Lyme disease and the signs and symptoms to watch out for.” Watch news clip

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New podcast: Turning pain into strength with Lyme warrior Gina Valles

“This week Sarah is joined by Gina Valles, a fitness coach with a degree in exercise science who founded Gina’s Total Fitness in Connecticut. In 2018, Gina was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which changed her life and outlook on fitness. Through her Instagram account, which has almost 180,000 followers, Gina shares her journey, workouts, and…

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Detecting Borrelia Spirochetes: A Case Study With Validation Among Autopsy Specimens

The complex etiology of neurodegenerative disease has prompted studies on multiple mechanisms including genetic predisposition, brain biochemistry, immunological responses, and microbial insult. In particular, Lyme disease is often associated with neurocognitive impairment with variable manifestations between patients. We sought to develop methods to reliably detect Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochete bacteria responsible for Lyme disease, in autopsy…

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The peptidoglycan-associated protein NapA plays an important role in the envelope integrity and in the pathogenesis of the lyme disease spirochete

May 13th, 2021 Abstract The bacterial pathogen responsible for causing Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, is an atypical Gram-negative spirochete that is transmitted to humans via the bite of an infected Ixodes tick. In diderms, peptidoglycan (PG) is sandwiched between the inner and outer membrane of the cell envelope. In many other Gram-negative bacteria, PG is bound by protein(s),…

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Canada: Interactive maps developed to track data on ticks

“With the arrival of spring and warmer weather the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) is hoping you will give some consideration to the spread of Lyme disease and the ticks that carry it. May is Lyme disease awareness month. Reliable statistics are not yet available in Canada but a recent American study by the U.S….

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CanLyme’s podcast producer retires from CBC radio after 29 years but will continue to work with CanLyme: “The voice of the Kootenays: CBC correspondent Bob Keating retires”

“The CBC reporter was walking in downtown Nelson in the winter of 2017 when he passed two women singing on the sidewalk. One of the singers made such an impression that Keating asked if he could record her on his phone. “Her voice was that striking. It just had such soul and humanity to it,”…

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New podcast: Diagnosing and treating Lyme disease, with Dr. Joseph Jemsek

In this episode, Sarah is joined by Dr. Joseph Jemsek, an infectious disease physician who runs the Jemsek Specialty Clinic in Washington, DC. Dr. Jemsek has been on the leading edge of both the HIV and Lyme disease epidemics. He became intrigued by reports of a small cluster of patients with outbreaks of Kaposi Sarcoma and Pneumocystis pneumonia in…


New podcast: A whole body approach to Lyme, with medical detective Dr. Kenneth Bock

Sarah explores an integrative approach to medicine with Dr. Kenneth Bock from the Hudson Valley, in New York. Dr. Bock’s natural curiosity, investigative approach, along with his appreciation for complex medical cases set the foundation for his integrative practice. His first Lyme patient in 1985 initially came in with a swollen toe that didn’t seem…

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New podcast: Understanding posttraumatic growth, with Dr. Richard Tedeschi

Posttraumatic growth is not only the topic of today’s podcast, it is also the process that birthed the Looking at Lyme podcast. Sarah explores posttraumatic growth with Dr. Richard Tedeschi, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of North Carolina, faculty member of the Posttraumatic Research Group and distinguished chair of the Boulder Crest Institute…


New podcast: Pain management with neural therapy

Sarah discusses the use of neural therapy for pain management with Dr. Kumar Biswas, a Canadian naturopathic doctor on Vancouver Island. Developed in the early 1900’s in Germany, neural therapy is now practiced across Europe and North America. Dr. Biswas explains that biological medicine, which is practiced throughout Europe, integrates alternative medicine and modern medicine….

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CanLyme board member Dr. Rob Murray responds to Tim Caulfield’s post regarding alternative medicine.

Dr. Rob Murray March 25, 2021 at 7:19 am You will find Steven Phillips, MD and Dana Parish, HMH 2020 have addressed this topic very well in Chronic – The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Disease… Science is provisional, a way of knowing. Dr. Phillips has treated over 100 physicians for Lyme+ disease and over…

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New podcast: Dr. Ginger Savely on the role of nurses in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Lyme disease

Sarah explores Lyme disease from a nursing perspective with Nurse Practitioner Dr. Ginger Savely. Dr. Savely has specialized in the treatment of patients with tick-borne illnesses for the past two decades, and has authored and co-authored many articles in nursing and medical journals. Listen to podcast

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New podcast: Outdoor education, checklists, and staying safe in the outdoors, with Mike Horembala

Today we explore one of the many ways the CanLyme Educators’ Resource can be put into action. In this podcast, Sarah reaches Mike Horembala in the Foothills of Alberta. Mike, known to his students as “Mr. H’, is a Vice Principal and teacher with a passion for the outdoors. He developed a program within the…

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New podcast: Climate change, migratory birds, and four season tick awareness

We turn our gaze northward to Thunder Bay, Ontario to chat with entomologist Dr. Ken Deacon. While working on a contract with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, he saw the first wood tick in the Thunder Bay area in 2003. He then saw the first black-legged tick in 2005 and has continued to follow…