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Lyme disease is out of control, officials say

September 15, 2019

PUTNAM VALLEY – The incidence of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses is frightening since more than 400,000 new cases of Lyme have been reported across the United States with 98,000 cases confirmed in New York State.

State Senator Susan Serino (R, Hyde Park) and Putnam Valley Supervisor Sam Oliverio recently hosted a forum at Putnam Valley Town Hall dubbed “Tick Talk” where for nearly two hours experts in the field raised awareness while relaying the seriousness of a tick bite to an audience of some 75 men and women.

Serino called on the public to remain “vigilant when enjoying the out-of-doors. “Awareness is the key to prevention. By becoming attentive we can ensure that residents have information needed to stay safe, healthy and tick-free.”

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