Ticks do not only transmit Lyme disease: After Tularemia Death, Experts Stress Education
[Learn more about tularemia ]
September 13, 2018 Julia Wells The Vineyard Gazette
With tick-borne diseases a growing matter of public health concern on Martha’s Vineyard, education and prevention are more important than ever, the state’s leading expert in infectious diseases said in an interview this week.
Dr. Catherine Brown, the state epidemiologist and senior scientist for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, spoke with the Gazette by telephone following the death of a Vineyard seasonal resident from tularemia in late August. Davio Danielson fell ill after cutting brush on his Oak Bluffs property; he later died after seeking treatment at a Northampton hospital near his home in western Massachusetts. The cause of death was confirmed by his family as tularemia, contracted on Martha’s Vineyard.