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June 23rd, 2018 A CBC online news article… CanLyme offers notes of how clever messaging from “officials” slants the truth so CanLyme is “setting the record straight”.

June 23rd, 2018 A CBC online news article… CanLyme offers notes of how clever messaging from “officials” slants the truth so CanLyme is “setting the record straight”.

“Lyme disease surges in Quebec: What you need to know to protect yourself”

“Lyme disease is treatable if it’s caught early enough”

[CanLyme Note: Lyme disease, a borreliosis, is treatable even in most cases of late stage Lyme if appropriate treatment protocols are followed which means stepping away from Canadian official treatment guidelines, as they seem to be designed to keep people sick and taking various drugs only to manage symptoms as opposed to knocking down the disease itself.  A very profitable model for the medical ‘business” but deadly for many Canadians and harmful to those companies with large numbers of outdoor employees who are getting sick in record numbers. Due to poor testing approved by the Quebec health department most people will never be diagnosed early.]


“Provincial public health authorities report that Lyme disease cases nearly doubled in 2017. Last year there were 329 cases reported, up from 177 in 2016.” [CanLyme Note: These numbers in no way reflect the true incidence as this is from a very limiting surveillance protocol that misses most humans cases. The true numbers are at least ten times that amount putting a very conservative estimate at 3,290 cases in 2017 for Quebec most of whom were likely given an incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate and often dangerous medications they do not require.]

“Lyme disease is caused by bacteria entering the body through a tick bite. The ticks pick up the bacteria after feeding on small animals like mice.” [CanLyme Note: One of the most important host reservoirs for Lyme bacteria are our migratory birds as per Canadian researcher John Scott.  They carry the disease in their blood infecting new ticks who jump aboard, and they transplant these ticks everywhere and anywhere, so if you get robins and finches in your area you will have Lyme borreliosis infected ticks being dropped off to infect the rodent population in your backyard, favorite park, hiking trails, schoolyards, etc..]

… “The risk of developing the disease increases if they aren’t removed in 24 hours. Change your clothes, take a bath and examine your body thoroughly.” [CanLyme Note: What is “the disease”?  Ticks are dirty needles that carry many infections and toxins. Government is limiting the discussion to what they call Lyme disease. CanLyme’s motto is No Tick Is A Good Tick… they all carry nasty diseases some of which can be transmitted well before 24 hours.  Do not just change your clothes, throw your clothes into the dryer on high for 15 minutes which will kill any ticks that you have not seen.  Do not throw the clothes into the washer first, they will survive the washing machine, climb out and then scurry into your baseboards and such in your home waiting for their next meal and that could be you.]

“… Call Info-Santé at 811. If you’re in a high-risk area, they might recommend taking preventive medicine. Pharmacists in the Eastern Townships are able to provide antibiotics, as well as doctors.” [CanLyme Note: Many people have been prescribed one or two pills for a tick attachment, the official thinking they say is it will kill the Lyme bacteria. Not only is that not true (akin to playing Russian roulette with your health), it will likely drive antibiotic resistance in the many bacteria we normally harbour that could cause trouble for us all in the future.]

….”A common sign of Lyme disease is a bull’s eye-shaped rash on the skin. (CBC)” [CanLyme Note: The over-imprinted bull’s eye rash is not a ‘common’ sign of Lyme disease.  Most people do not get any rash and of those that do only 9 % take the bull’s eye form. A very low number.]

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