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What has the USA, ‘lead in the water’ crisis got to do with Lyme disease?

American Scientist, May-June, 2016

Katie L. Burke

To make matters worse, the Flint water crisis is a repeat of very recent history. About a decade ago, Edwards revealed high lead levels in public water in Washington, DC, exposing misconduct at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (WASA).”

“The DC water crisis was the most fundamental betrayal of the public trust and scientific integrity in black and white that I have ever seen or even heard of, having reviewed case study after case study. With no profit motive whatsoever, these people [those in leadership positions at WASA, EPA, and CDC] poisoned an entire city, covered it up completely, and made sure that these kids and their families never even got a penny to help with the extra educational needs that they have [as a result of the poisoning]. It took me working as a volunteer crazy person for six years to prove that kids were hurt.”  Read full article here

If you replaced the word ‘lead’ with Lyme disease, and changed out a few of the agencies that would include the National Institute of Health, the Center for Disease Control and supposed medical expert associations, you have the identical situation where government agencies and related associations allow death and disability to be the rule, while using tax dollars.

In Canada and the USA, as regards to Lyme disease (borreliosis), this same arrogance, cover-up, and complete disregard for public health has occurred for decades. Evidence is buried, the public misled, and publicly funded research dollars (in Canada) approved with standards that would not be accepted in any other field of science or healthy democratic society. In Canada, government labs and researchers feel they can control data garnered from private citizens, withhold surveillance data gathered by our tax dollars, fund research to support agendas, and distort information given to the public.

Thousands of lives have been destroyed in Canada and many unnecessary suicides have occurred thanks to government funded anti-science policy that are directed by various layers of alleged experts under secretariat’s such as the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network who only seek advice from agenda driven, anti-patient organizations such as the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease of Canada (AMMI) who are clones of their American counterparts, the Infectious Disease Society of America who are so loathed by victims of Lyme disease.

If you want a recipe for failure, funded by your and our tax dollars, that completely excludes patients and their experts have a look at this…https://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/about_apropos/evaluation/reports-rapports/2012-2013/sf-fs/app-ann-e-eng.php

They run the show with zero accountability and patient expert input on the Lyme borreliosis and many other files. Inquiry is long overdue provincially and federally in Canada.








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