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US group calling for congressional investigation of the US Center for Disease Control, IDSA, and NIH.

This is a much needed investigation and is gaining rapid support throughout the USA…   

Canada SHOULD WE BE NEXT? ….  ie; investigating our quasi-governmental policy setters; PCPHN (Pan-Canadian Public Health Network), CPHLN (Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network – who report to the PCPHN – who report to the Conference of federal/provincial/territorial Deputy Ministers of Health), and investigate the AMMI (Association of Medical Microbiologists and Infectious Disease of Canada, sister group of the US IDSA, who was invited to the Lyme policy-setting table while CanLyme’s experts were denied any seats at the table), PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada), NML (National Microbiology Laboratories in Winnipeg), BCCDC (British Columbia Centres for Disease Control), Provincial lab networks, and the RCPS (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons) …. each of whom do only what their sister US institutions tell them to do while maming and killing Canadians by imposing knowingly flawed guidelines and testing protocol, and then targeting any physicians who do not agree with them. Should our medical schools be held accountable for teaching only that which these conflicted groups want taught while ignoring any contradictory research (medical schools are pruning research to suit their goals, which is extremely dangerous)

The article…

“We are experiencing a health crisis here in New Hampshire and across the country with the growing epidemic of Lyme disease. A number of legislators have personally been affected and have introduced legislation to address this problem. Here are just a few recent examples. 


Representative David Linsky: “The occurrence of Lyme disease has reached near epidemic proportions in Massachusetts. Virtually every family in Massachusetts has been affected by Lyme disease in some way. Lyme disease is a public health crisis in the Commonwealth.”

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