Number of Lyme disease victims rises in BC

Number of Lyme disease victims rises in BC
Victoria, BC, March 28, 2008 – The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation has already received calls from many people in BC who have found ticks on themselves this year. Tick season has begun.
Nasty disease carrying ticks that are becoming more and more prevalent in Canada are on the move, found Canada wide and ticks found along the west coast can be active 12 months per year. The ticks that transmit Lyme to humans are only slightly larger than the period at the end of this sentence when they are in the nymphal stage and only about 3 mm in length in the adult phase.
Lyme disease can cause long-term health issues if not identified and treated early. It can affect the brain, eyesight, hearing, heart, nervous system, muscles, joints, digestive tract, and lymph nodes. Because Lyme disease is a multi-system disorder, many systems of the body can be affected at once.
We want to emphasize that Lyme disease is not the only tick borne disease to worry about in BC.
All species of ticks that attach to humans are capable of transmitting several diseases to you, not just Lyme disease. Last year in the Okanagan and up to the Williams Lake area there were several cases of tick paralysis. This can be a fatal disease if the tick is not found and removed. The other diseases ticks carry can have serious consequences as well.
Ticks that carry these diseases can be found in your lawn, on your pets, in tall grass or brush. Sitting on logs or collecting firewood will also put you at risk. If outside do not brush up against brush or tall grass, wear a repellent containing DEET, and do a daily full body tick check on yourself, your children and your pets. Remember, pets can carry ticks into your home. Talk to your veterinarian about protecting your pets. Use fine tipped tweezers to remove an attached tick.
Prevention is the best medicine. Be tick aware!
For more information please visit:
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Lyme disease is a serious threat Lyme disease is on the rise in Canada, yet treatment and public awareness are largely inadequate. Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) is dedicated to raising awareness and promoting Lyme research, education and treatment.
Would you know the stats on how much people have lime disease in Canada? I know it is hard to diagnose lime disease Canada. Is there a chance that the vaccination will be introduced in Canada.?
Thank you
Jackie and Keishia
Granddaughter has Lyme disease .we had to send blood test to the states ..Ongoing at this time ..
I am very upset with the doctors in Victoria at this time
I’m being tested in the states as well why doesn’t bc see the big picture of a growing problem, its ridiculous and a shame that we can’t get the right test or treatment. Something needs to be done asap so it doesn’t become a even bigger problem.
please contact me at my email address if you live anywhere in the okanagan and let me know if you have a physician that is working with you through your Lyme Disease Journey. I have just moved here and am looking for a doctor that has experience with Lyme Disease.
thank you — take care.
Jessy, a close high-school friend of mine in Virginia has expressed her story and her struggles for change on how Lyme Disease is poorly diagnosed and treated. After reading several articles, it is no better in BC and Canada. The stories and people’s experience with the symptoms are alike and immensely damaging. I am gradually getting to know more about it and hopefully our politicians can be more informed to make changes in the medical research fields for treatment.