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Bill C-442 is carried as is in Senate. Hear testimony in Canada’s Senate Committee on Bill C-442, An Act respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease, as Bill moves forward.

Bill C-442 is carried in the Senate (signed into law with Royal assent Dec. 16th, 2014): Listen to testimony of ; December 3rd, 2014 Elizabeth May, MP  (begins after intro’s) Jim Wilson, CanLyme  (starts at 17:10 on time-bar) Dr. William Bowie, AMMI,  (starts at 17:17 on time-bar) After Dr. Bowie presents it is followed by…

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Canada’s Bill C-442, An Act respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease passes 2nd reading in the senate.

Second Reading—Debate Adjourned   Hon. Janis G. Johnson moved second reading of Bill C-442, An Act respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease. She said: Honourable senators, it is a great honour to address Bill C-442, An Act respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease. I thank Elizabeth May, member of Parliament, for asking me to…

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Lyme Disease Task Force Bill Passes Iowa Senate

A bill that would establish a “Lyme disease task force” has passed the Iowa Senate last week with 49 yeas and no nays, according to Gov Track.US. The legislation, Senate File 2090, now heads to the Iowa House of Representatives for a vote. The bill would require the Iowa Department Public Health to establish and…