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New podcast: Exploring Lyme antibiotics with Dr. Kim Lewis

Sarah explores the latest advances in Lyme disease treatment with Dr. Kim Lewis, a researcher, author, University Distinguished Professor and director of Antimicrobial Discovery Center at Northeastern University in Boston. He specializes in molecular science and is currently researching persister cells that lead to tolerance to antibiotics, uncultured bacteria of the environment and the microbiome…

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Lyme bug stronger than antibiotics in animals and test tubes. Now study people.

[CanLyme note: This article supports the Canadian patient’s request of federal and provincial governments to stop blatantly endorsing the Infectious Disease Society of America and the United States Center for Disease Control. They refuse open discussion and evaluation of their policy while condemning tens of thousands to a lifetime of hell, or sadly, in too many…

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Researchers investigate four promising new treatments for Lyme disease

March 29, 2016 Thea Singer … “I find it amazing that when you show up at the doctor’s office you are not told that there is a 10 to 20 per­cent chance that your life as you know it has ended,” says Lewis. “Nobody seems to be focusing on the next step: How to pre­vent the…

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Persister Development by B. burgdorferi Populations In Vitro

[CanLyme note: The researchers acknowledge in their paper that their findings are limited to doxycycline, alone, at their prescribed dosages.  The paper adds to the long list of articles that substantiate chronic persistent Lyme Disease beyond short term antibiotics and continued benefit while antibiotics are present.] John R. Caskey, Monica E. Embers ABSTRACT   Doxycycline is a…

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In Test Tube, ‘Pulse-Doses’ Of Antibiotic Wipe Out Lyme Disease Bacteria Persisters

June 12, 2015 Carey Goldberg From the Northeast to the Midwest and beyond, it’s high season for Lyme disease. An estimated 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with the spreading, tickborne disease every year. Most can be successfully treated with antibiotics, but for some, symptoms persist for months and even years — pain, fatigue, arthritis. For me,…

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New test shows promise in identifying new drugs to treat Lyme disease

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have developed a test they say will allow them to test thousands of FDA-approved drugs to see if they will work against the bacteria that causes tick-borne Lyme disease. The researchers, reporting Nov. 3 in the journal PLOS ONE, say doctors and patients are desperate…