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United States: White House shows lack of concern for tick-borne disease outbreak. Funding withdrawn. Voter base will suffer.

The Hill,  October 1st, 2019 “Clark said he considered the end of the advisory board a “great loss” to the federal government, pointing to the group’s final white paper on the role of invasive species in tick-borne illnesses as an example of their important work. “This was specifically requested by the Defense Department because there…

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Ottawa, Canada: Lyme disease can’t keep Manotick baker down

 Manotick News By  Emma Jackson   Veronique Ayling has been dreaming of her own cupcake shop for the better part of a decade. The Greely resident grew up in the Laurentians baking with her grandmother, but instead of opening her own shop she joined the Canadian Armed Forces, where she works in its investigations unit. But…