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Ontario Lyme Researcher John Scott Receives Governor General Award

Scott was chosen to receive a Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in recognition of 27 years of research and advocacy on Lyme disease and tick populations in Canada. He and his wife Catherine, founded what is now called Lyme Ontario after it took four years for each of them to be diagnosed with Lyme disease. “Basically…

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Ticks that Transmit Lyme Disease Reported in 48.6% of U.S. Counties

[CanLyme note:  A good take home message from this article linked below is that for government to focus heavily on only known areas where ticks are established, is misguided. Canada is comprised of millions of square kilometers.  Less than one percent of one percent are looked at for Lyme disease in nature. If you have…

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Researcher John Scott responds to The Nature of Things CBC TV episode on Lyme disease

xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx, Ontario Sue Dando Executive Producer Science and Natural History Unit CBC-TV Documentary Canadian Broadcasting Corporation P.O. Box 500, Station A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1E6   15 October 2013   Dear Ms. Dando:                                     Re: The Nature of Things with Dr. David Suzuki                                            Ticked-off: The Mystery of Lyme Disease, 10 October 2013    …

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An excellent article… a must read from Lil Anderson in the Lake of the Woods Area News, Western Ontario, Canada

Lyme disease: A growing concern Story and photos by Lil Anderson [Special thanks to Lake of the Woods Area News and Lil Anderson] The first I heard of Lyme Disease might be of concern in the Lake of the Woods area was in the early ’90’s. At that time, Dr. John Scott from the Lyme-Borreliosis…