Campers stand at the edge of the water at sunset watching the stars come out, with the CanLyme logo floating in the foreground.
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Whole genome sequencing of human Borrelia burgdorferi isolates reveals linked blocks of accessory genome elements located on plasmids and associated with human dissemination

Using genetic association study methods, we identify an accessory genome signature associated with dissemination in humans and define the individual plasmids and genes that make up this signature.

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Windsor, Canada: Parents credit antibiotic for autistic child’s ‘monumental’ improvements

[CanLyme note: Many parents with autistic children who have also received treatment for a Lyme disease infection report similar amazing results from antibiotic treatment leading to hypotheses that some autism may be an infectious disease origin.] Brian Cross, Windsor Star, published February 12th, 2016 A five-year-old boy with autism who has never really communicated, has suddenly started answering back…

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Lyme disease growing increasingly common in Quebec

Originating in Lyme, Connecticut in the 1970s, the disease has now made its way North. Quebec’s first cases emerged in 2008. Since then, it has continued to spread at an alarming rate. “We are predicting a rate of expansion of seven or eight kilometers per year northward in southern Quebec,” said Virginie Millien, a professor…