Robert G. Murray, DDS
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Robert Murray has a biology background, with summer employment from the National Research Council and Department of Fisheries, while he studied dentistry at Dalhousie University. He established a dental practice in the first collaborative Medical/Dental Centre in Lunenburg in 1973.
Rob retired after 40 year practice with multiple physical complaints. He went on to self-diagnose Lyme borreliosis (LB) followed by medical diagnostics after researching the disease for an 84 year old friend.
Rob recognized that not being able to lift one’s feet when skating was not normal aging, nor were many other symptoms. He already knew of the political problems and gaps in knowledge in the medical community when it came to LB and is determined to stay in Nova Scotia to change conditions on the ground for present and future patients.
Dispatches by Robert Murray
Toward a common research agenda in infection
Associated chronic illnesses: a workshop to examine common, overlapping clinical…
Call for better combination treatments and diagnostics for Lyme
Recent calls to action by Dr. Monica Embers and Dr.…
Why Lyme treatments often fail
Monica Embers, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at…