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Rickettsial infections of the central nervous system

[CanLyme Note: The Canadian medical community is absolutely under-informed on tick-borne disease. Medical leadership in Canada, managed by non-medical (PHAC), medically unethical (AMMI), scientifically unethical (CIHR), taxpayer funded gatekeepers for the for-profit medical industry insure never ending sickness that generates billions of dollars while denying access to policy making decisions of those most affected… patients and…

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Health Care Costs, Utilization and Patterns of Care following Lyme Disease [1.3 billion USD]

[CanLyme note: This study has limitations as noted therein and does not include cost of taxpayer funded disability income payments to the chronically ill, loss of taxable income from those who are unable to work, loss of productivity in the employment sector, along with other indirect costs to society and the taxpayer.  It also does…