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New podcast: Optometry, eye-brain connections and Lyme disease

In the words of Optometrist Dr. Cameron McCrodan, “you don’t see with your eyes, you see with your brain.” What is the relationship between the eyes, the brain and some symptoms of Lyme disease? Dr. McCrodan explains that our brains are not only tasked with receiving visual stimuli, they also influence how the information is…

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Undiagnosed Lyme disease in adults with schizophrenia.

Published online Aug. 6th, 2015 ABSTRACT Lyme disease (LD) is the world’s leading tick borne infection caused by the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). This infection is a global health concern and is associated with numerous cardiologic, dermatologic, rheumatologic neurologic, and psychiatric manifestations (Bratton et al., 2008). Only a few epidemiologic studies have evaluated the frequency…

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Is multiple sclerosis (MS) a symptom of Lyme disease?

…. and why is there no current ongoing aggressive human pathology being done in Canada specific to looking for Lyme in patients diagnosed with MS considering that Canada has some of the highest per capita rates of MS in the world? Lyme on the Brain (Part 3-A) Lecture Notes of Tom Grier Tomgrier2001 [at] yahoo…