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Ontario family had to move to B.C. for Lyme disease treatment

“For many Canadians, Lyme disease is not a concern that is top of mind. If you’re walking through a tall patch of grass or camping with your family, a small alarm bell might go off reminding you to check for ticks that may be carrying Lyme disease.

For Louis Themeles, a tick bite didn’t seem like a big concern.

Louis and his wife Rachel are from Hamilton, Ont. where he works as a school teacher and she is an office administrator with Hamilton Health Sciences. They have two healthy and active young boys and in all ways are a loving and typical Canadian family.

Ten years ago, Louis’s brother noticed a tick on his back. According to Louis, it was probably there for a couple of weeks and was removed as soon as they became aware.

“[Lyme disease] wasn’t on the forefront of my mind or anyone’s mind,” he said. “It was not in the mind of, say, someone in their mid- to early-20s.” …”

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