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A review of ticks in Canada and health risks from exposure

  • Tick species are undergoing range expansions across Canada due to global warming, animal migration, and land fragmentation. It is estimated that their range is expanding northwards by 35–55km per year.
  • Species posing the greatest risk to humans are the Ixodes scapularis (blacklegged tick) and the Ixodes pacificus (Western blacklegged tick).
  • The risk of human tick-borne infections is increasing. Populations at greatest risk of tick exposure are those who spend time outdoors. Populations at greatest risk of health complications are the immunocompromised and older adults. Treatment options during pregnancy ….

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  1. Prohibiting Canadians under the age of 16 from wearing permethrin treated clothing makes no sense and so far PMRA has refused to support this decision with references from the scientific literature. Similarly prohibiting Canadians from treating their own clothing and footwear with 0.5% permethrin spray can’t be justified from the scientific literature. It isn’t one or the other. Prevention requires the use of both a repellent for skin and permethrin treated clothing along with thorough frequent tick checks. No repellent works well against ticks.
    Reference: https://web.uri.edu/mastergardener/files/J18-Permethrin-Facts-Sheet.pdf
    There is consensus that the number of people bitten by ticks is multiples of what is officially reported.

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