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ON Health Minister to Meet Lyme Mom & her Experts!

[CanLyme Note: This abuse of parents, typically by medical ‘specialists’ in our children’s hospitals across Canada, has been occurring for years relative to Lyme disease, and not once have we heard where Children’s Aid have sided with the medical ‘specialists’ who seem to specialize in institutionalizing dogma rather than treating patients. Mothers in BC, Alberta, Nova, Scotia have been reported to Children’s Aid simply because they were taking appropriate steps as parents to get their children better. It is time for our politicians to aggressively push for laws protecting physicians and parents from the very corrupt, conflict-of-interest laden medical ‘specialists’ and medical college’s.  There has been far too many protections given in the name of ‘best practices’ to medical leadership who have no true interest in best practices.]

April 10th, 2019

Need some hopeful news about Lyme disease in Canada?

Today MPP Randy Hillier (Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) addressed the Honourable Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott on behalf of his constituent Jennifer Wheeler and her son Nicholas.  Nicholas is suffering from Lyme disease and his mom, Jennifer Wheeler and her husband Josh were reported to Children’s Aid (CAS) by a doctor from CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) after she was forced to seek treatment for her son outside of Canada and there was a disagreement with the course of treatment.

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