The Financial Implications of a Well-Hidden and Ignored Chronic Lyme Disease Pandemic
Healthcare 2018, 6(1), 16; doi:10.3390/healthcare6010016
Marcus Davidsson
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Healthcare 2018, 6(1), 16; doi:10.3390/healthcare6010016
Marcus Davidsson
Nov 24, 2018 Save the dates!! For a truly unique experience that you will love come and see the Unconscious Collective Vocal Ensemble (UCVE). They will be putting on two performances in the KTS Red Room, University of King’s College in Halifax… 7 PM Friday the 30th of November (18-11-30) 7 PM Saturday December 1st, 2018 (18-12-01) Bring your family…
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Interesting article on the issue but does he show where he gets the estimated costs from? Specialists use different treatment regimens but one thing seems clear that high dose short treatments favoured by insurance companies don’t work. Treatment success seems to be more dependant on the length of treatment than what is used and if the average case takes 1.5 years to treat then oral therapy would be easier, more practical and less costly. Too bad there aren’t more side by side studies of treatments and outcomes then there is such a great heterogeneity in the patient population. Allowing half the patients to be treated according to the IDSA guidelines and the other half by ILADS trained physicians would certainly show which group has a better success rate.
I agree with Rob. What I have seen over many years is that an oral regimen over time is as effective or more effective than intravenous. Intravenous has it’s place for serious heart and brain infection. Jim