How does Lyme disease spread? The answer may lie in the hearts of grouse
University of New Brunswick forestry students ask hunters to collect bird hearts for disease study
Shane Fowler, CBC News November 6th, 2017
A Fredericton lab is on the hunt for bird hearts. Contact Joe Nocera at UNB joe [dot] nocera [at] unb [dot] ca 1 506 447 3214.
Researchers at the University of New Brunswick are hoping hunters will bring in hearts of game birds that could allow them to better understand how a disease is spreading in New Brunswick.
“Any hunters interested in helping us out would be appreciated,” said Joseph Nocera, UNB’s assistant professor of forestry and environmental management.
“The reason we’re doing this is to look for infection rates of Lyme disease.”
Nocera said his lab was part of the research team that earlier recorded the move of Lyme disease into more northern counties earlier this year, and he suspects birds may be responsible.
I have collected a ruffled grouse heart/kidney for your study. Can you tell me how to get it to you as I live in Woodstock
Thanks Brett
Contact Joe Nocera; joe [dot] nocera [at] unb [dot] ca 1 506 447 3214