Multiple events across Canada for May Lyme Awareness Month

May is Lyme disease awareness month, here is a list of the balance of May awareness events across Canada.

For more Lyme awareness photos click here.

– May 22nd, the newly formed Lyme Disease Association of Alberta will be sponsoring a speech given by Dr. Aparna Taylor of Calgary, Alberta, a well known naturopathic physician trained in Lyme disease, who also has a sizeable Lyme practice. Details Here

– Wednesday May 22, 6:30pm: New Hamilton-Wentworth Lyme Support Group Meeting. Guest Speakers: Dr. Doug Wilson and Rob Manten. Fortino’s Community Room, 65 Mall Road, Hamilton, Ontario.

Niagara Falls green fo Lyme disease awareness– Fri. May 24, 7-9:30pm, The Rama Lotus Yoga Centre, 342 Gladstone Ave., Ottawa, FREE – session and movie screening. The info session will be led by Ottawa Naturopath, Dr. Marie Matheson ND, followed by a screening of the award-winning documentary “Under Our Skin”.

– Wednesday May 29, 7-9pm: York North Lyme Support Group Meeting. Guest Speaker: Stephen O’Neill. Aurora United Church, 15186 Yonge Street, Aurora, Ontario.

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  1. hi,
    just a slight correction. may 11 there is no screening of UOS…it is only on the 7th.
    chris & nicole

  2. In Saskatchewan!!! A Lyme Information night in Viscount, Sk. (east of Saskatoon). We will be showing the CTV W5 documentary Out of the Wild as well as news clips from Saskatchewan regarding the spread of Lyme disease in this province. As well, we will have three guests from areas surrounding Saskatoon who will tell their experiences in getting diagnosis and treatment, including Paul Paquette a wildlife biologist who has been infected twice.

  3. The Lyme Information Night in Viscount, Saskatchewan will be held Wednesday, May 15th in the Viscount Seniors Center. For info. call 1-306-944-4479

  4. C’est tres bien que l’on commence a avoir de la visibilite, car cette maladie est vraiment trop invalidante pour passer sous silence.
    J’espere que l’an prochain les Quebecois auront aussi une voix, car la maladie de lyme est bien presente au Quebec et elle y fait des ravages, en etant deguisee en d’autres maladies et en se faufilant sous d’autres noms de diagnostics….fatigue chronique, fibromyalgie, lupus, maladies auto-immune, Sla, SP et quoi encore….Il est grand temps de reveiller nos autorites medicales.

  5. Wondering if there are any events planned for the Niagara Region in regards to May Lyme Awareness. My daughter has dealt with a lot of the symptoms, but has only been diagnosed with POTS (Posterior Orthostatic Tachnachardia Syndrome) but the medication has only helped a little. She is in pain everyday and her body is so limited. If she overdoes it, then her body goes into these spasms. Her walking is very limited as her legs cannot support her for any length of time, she uses a wheelchair or a walker to stabilize herself. She has had a lot of issues with her stomach, bladder and her kidneys, also severe headaches. There is also hand tremors. If there is any information that you can share with us to have her tested please let us know. She has been to numerous doctors and her tests seem to be fine but she is not.

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