Spirochete antigens persist near cartilage after murine Lyme borreliosis therapy.
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Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2013 Apr;4(3):191-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2012.12.002. Epub 2013 Feb 15. Leydet BF Jr, Liang FT. Source Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Electronic address: bleyde1 [at] tigers [dot] lsu [dot] edu. Abstract There are 4 major human-biting tick species in the northeastern United States,…
December 1, 2014 Patients with Lyme disease know that their symptoms and the effects of the disease can be debilitating and last for a long time, often persisting even after treatment. In an effort to help improve quality of life for those patients, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health are working…
Tuesday 21 April 2015 Grey squirrels are in the dock again – this time for harbouring a serious infection that can be spread to humans by ticks. The American immigrant rodents already have previous convictions for decimating native red squirrel populations and damaging woodland by stripping bark from trees. Grey squirrels host the bacteria responsible…
Katarina Schwarzova, June 3, 2016 Atlas of Science Flegel disease (Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans – HLP) is a rare autosomal dermatosis, characterized by small, asymptomatic, reddishbrown, keratotic papules occurring most frequently over the dorsa of the feet and the lower parts of the arms and legs. The majority of cases have been reported in European patients of…
doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2018.09.013 September 18, 2018 ABSTRACT Borrelia are tick-borne bacteria that in humans are the aetiological agents of Lyme disease and relapsing fever. Here we present the first genomes of B. turcica and B. tachyglossi, members of a recently described and rapidly expanding Borrelia clade associated with reptile (B. turcica) or echidna (B. tachyglossi) hosts,…
Abstract Background Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States, and is caused by infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. In children, neuroborreliosis usually presents as peripheral facial nerve palsy and lymphocytic meningitis, and only rarely is associated with cranial polyneuritis. Case We present a 15 year-old with tinnitus, hearing…