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Canadian Medical Association endorses Elizabeth May’s Bill C-442, for a National Lyme Disease Strategy

On Thursday, February 27th, 2014 Elizabeth May’s office received a letter from the Canadian Medical Assocation president, Louis Hugo Francescutti, throwing their support behind Bill C-442.

Earlier the College of Family Physicians of Canada had thrown their support behind the Bill as well. The Bill will be up for 1st reading and debate on Monday, March 3rd, 2014 at 11 am ET.

There is a lot of cross party support behind this Bill as they see that the approach government has taken for the past many years has not been effective. Bill C-442 brings the patient and their experts into the policy-making equation and compels the government to hold a national conference among other things.

Read full letter

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  1. This is wonderful news. My children will not have to go through what I have suffered. This is marvelous! !!!

  2. Thanks CanLyme for your tireless efforts to support Bill C442. Perhaps this will now lead to open discussion about LYMES disease between Physicians and patients.

  3. I have Lyme’s for almost 12 years. The medical system almost killed me. I am still extremely sick but, I have a variation of my old life.

    We NEED treatment that is not based on BIG PHARMA drugs.

    I hope there are people that understand we need help.

  4. Wonderful news.!
    Thanks to Jim Wilson and CanLyme for your continuous support & efforts.

  5. Do people realize that Canadian Blood Services accept blood from people who have been diagnosed with lyme disease! It’s because cronic lyme disease is not recognized. I was bit in 2010 and just got 21 days of antibiotic treatment in 2014. It is believed by doctors that I should be cured within 6 months.. However I had 4 teeth pulled by a toxicology dentist saying that bacteria were eating my dead teeth (mercury in root canals had attracted bacteria) Two other roots that had crowns had totally black roots and the bone was full of black bacteria as well. The dentist knows that this is bacteria and believes this is lyme. I have pictures of all this from the dentist. I am still sick and have unbelieveable fatigue, as well as many other symptoms. We need to do more research on this disease and hopefully this bill will start the much needed discussion.

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