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Most recent American Psychiatric Association guidelines… check for Lyme disease in evaluation.

[CanLyme Note: The wording indicates locally endemic infectious diseases so that would also include the known co-infections of Lyme and other vector-borne diseases.  We need to find out what the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) guidelines are relative to infectious diseases.  CanLyme has asked the CPA for their position on this. Limiting their investigation to the current…

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Lyme disease may cause psychiatric problems

July 24th, 2015 Daniel Calder St. Petersburg Mental Health Examiner Perhaps the most devastating symptoms produced by Lyme disease infection occur when the disease spreads to the brain. While Lyme disease can have a latency period of months, or even years, before symptoms develop, the bacterial infection can travel to the brain within weeks of infection. While…


The Neuropsychiatric Assessment of Lyme Disease

Objective: A structured clinical interview is proposed to assist in the overall clinical assessment when late state Lyme disease is suspected. Method:  From a combination of clinical experience, journal review, and discussion with colleagues, a structured interview was developed. Information from patients with late stage neuropsychiatric Lyme disease (NPLD) was entered into a database to…