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Risk of post-treatment Lyme disease in patients with ideally-treated early Lyme disease: A prospective cohort study.

Abstract Purpose Post-treatment Lyme disease (PTLD) is characterized by patient-reported symptoms after treatment for Borrelia burgdorferi infection. The primary aim of this study was to assess whether participants with a history of Lyme disease (LD) would be more likely to meet criteria for PTLD than those without a history of LD. Methods We conducted a longitudinal, prospective…

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Post-treatment Lyme Disease as a Model for Persistent Symptoms in Lyme Disease

[CanLyme Note: The term post treatment Lyme disease syndrome is controversial and excludes those not effectively treated following the current treatment guidelines imposed upon physicians and patients.] “It has long been observed in clinical practice that a subset of patients with Lyme disease report a constellation of symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive difficulties, and musculoskeletal…

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Health Care Costs, Utilization and Patterns of Care following Lyme Disease [1.3 billion USD]

[CanLyme note: This study has limitations as noted therein and does not include cost of taxpayer funded disability income payments to the chronically ill, loss of taxable income from those who are unable to work, loss of productivity in the employment sector, along with other indirect costs to society and the taxpayer.  It also does…