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Ottawa mom warns parents to check their kids for ticks after her toddler is diagnosed with Lyme disease

[CanLyme Note: It is nice to hear that the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) ‘may’ be actually taking this seriously finally. Mothers in Ontario and at many other children’s hospitals across Canada in the very recent past have been accused of having Munchausen by Proxy simply because they fought for their children’s rights after a…

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One in three ticks in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, carries Lyme disease yet no help for the tens of thousands chronically ill across the country due to false information.

[CanLyme note: For decades Canadian health care leadership have downplayed the prevalence of Lyme disease (borreliosis) in ticks based upon poor surveillance protocol while ignoring reams of published research. They further downplayed the prevalence of this disease in humans with an outrageous, dangerous and deadly adherence to a testing policy that they knew missed most cases….

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Ottawa, Canada: Lyme disease hit record levels in 2017, next year likely to be worse, health officials warn

[CanLyme note: The ‘tick key’ mentioned in the article is not a recommended tool as it is too bulky and wide for removing ticks from the many cracks and crevices of our bodies and those of our pets where ticks like to migrate to ie. ears, butt cracks, navals, nostrils, and other private parts.  That is…

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Toronto, Canada: Prevention and understanding key to dealing with Lyme disease in Ontario

Aug. 11, 2016, East York Mirror by Tara Hatherly Canadian government’s framework on Lyme disease in the works As the number of Canadians with Lyme disease continues to climb, Canada is developing a federal framework for dealing with the issue. The framework will focus on guidelines for identifying and treating Lyme disease, tracking infection rates…

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CBC News, Canada: Lyme disease response requires collaboration in Canada, researcher says

By Laurie Fagan, April 22, 2016 A Queen’s university researcher says Canadian Lyme disease experts need to work more collaboratively to treat the growing number of people who contract the debilitating tick-borne illness. Steven Liss, the vice principal of research at Queen’s University, is proposing a Canadian research network for Lyme disease that would improve…

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VIDEO – CBC Friends raise money to help treat woman with Lyme disease

Friends of Carolyn MacIntyre, a Perth-area woman with Lyme disease, are raising money to pay for her ongoing care and possible treatment in the U.S. MacIntyre has been prescribed antibiotics, but she received only a few weeks of treatment because Lyme disease is not considered a chronic disease. Access video and text

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CBC TV, Ottawa : Lyme Disease advocate calls for stronger treatment

Advocates for people with Lyme disease want public health agencies to take a more aggressive stance in treating the tick-carried disease early, before it leads to later health complications.  With summer weather arriving, Ottawa Public Health is again warning the public to watch out for signs of Lyme disease, an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi,…

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Ottawa nurse must go to U.S. to seek Lyme disease treatment

Like most Lyme disease patients in Canada, Dawn Lavarnway doesn’t remember when she was bitten by the tick that gave her the crippling illness – but she knows when she found out Canada’s health system wouldn’t treat her for it. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario nurse tried to book an appointment with an infectious…