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CTV News Atlantic: Mother struggles to get adequate help within the Canadian health care system for her young daughter who has Lyme.

Sadly this lack of help for adequate Lyme disease treatment is a Canada-wide problem due in large part to the very poor information given to physicians and other medical professionals by a private self-proclaimed expert group called the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Canada.  Provincial and federal governments have ceded control over the…

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How one small bite can change a life

Cindy E. Harnett / Times Colonist May 10, 2015 Retired anesthesiologist Dr. Martin Rodgers was treated with two days’ worth of antibiotics and told not to worry after he showed his family doctor a classic bull’s-eye rash caused by a tick he extracted from his navel. That was three years ago this July. Now Rodgers, 74,…