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Huffington Post – Lyme in Austria

Lyme (Borreliosis), Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Bartonella, Tularemia, and more recently, Borrelia miyamotoi (a distant relative of Lyme Borreliosis) are recognized tick-borne infectious diseases in the United States, of which Lyme disease is the most common and fastest growing illness. Doctors globally say they are seeing a significant growth in co-infections when…

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Huffington Post: The Global Search for Education: The 300,000 – Ticks

C. M. Rubin Blogger and author, ‘The Real Alice in Wonderland Posted: November 9th, 2013  The “We are the 300,000” campaign is a new grassroots campaign by the Lyme community to raise awareness for more effective treatments for all people suffering from Lyme disease. According to the CDC, there are 300,000 individuals who are affected…

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The Global Search for Education: More Research – Ticks, Lyme disease, Monica Embers discusses animal model research.

 C.M. Rubin The take home for me from Katie Couric’s recent report on Lyme disease is that there are still too many unanswered questions. We need more research to understand Lyme, which affects 300,000 victims each year because we don’t have answers. We do know the term “chronic Lyme” is a conversation stopper in some…

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Huffington Post series on Lyme Disease: The Global Search for Education: Research – Ticks

                                       Part 10 in series on the Global Lyme Disease Discussion Borrelia burgdorferi cultivated from the brains of patients suffering from chronic Lyme neuroborreliosis as seen by dark field microscopy Given that according to the CDC, there are 300,000 individuals who are affected annually by Lyme disease in the US, it is astonishing that so…

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The Global Search for Education: France – Ticks …. Huffington Post

Author, C.M. Rubin: Lyme (Borreliosis), Anaplasmosis /Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Bartonella, Tularemia, and more recently, Borrelia miyamotoi (a distant relative of Lyme Borreliosis) are recognized tick-borne infectious diseases in the United States among which the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that the number of Americans diagnosed with Lyme disease each year is…

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The Global Search for Education: In Search of Solutions – Ticks

To date in my “Ticks” series, we have learned from leading global experts that tick-borne illnesses (including Lyme disease) are possibly the most complicated and substantial global medical research challenges that exist today and that they threaten to dominate global health care tomorrow. Solutions are tough to find since the bacteria are difficult to diagnose…