A close up of a panel of antibody tests being held by a hand wearing a glove.
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Children are more than twice as likely to lose their detectable antibodies to Lyme disease bacteria

Background Lyme borreliosis (LB), caused by Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), is the most common tick-borne infection in Germany. Antibodies against Bb are prevalent in the general population but information on temporal changes of prevalence and estimates of seroconversion (seroincidence) and seroreversion are lacking, especially for children and adolescents. Aim We aimed at assessing antibodies against Bb and factors associated with seropositivity…

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Study of pediatric patients shows two-tier testing results cannot rule out Lyme borreliosis.

Two-Tier Lyme Disease Serology Test Results Can Vary According to the Specific First-Tier Test Used Published: February 22, 2019 Abstract Background Variability in 2-tier Lyme disease test results according to the specific first-tier enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in children has not been examined rigorously. In this study, we compared paired results of clinical 2-tier Lyme disease…

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‘I don’t wish this on my worst enemy’: Caledon-area woman says Canada’s medical system is failing people living with Lyme disease

Oct. 2, 2018 Caledon Enterprise newspaper Janice Barry was at a vet office in Alliston with her dog when a poster caught her eye. It listed the symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs. It sounded familiar. For over a year, the former Caledon resident had been experiencing flu-like symptoms — daily nausea, weight loss, chronic…

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Global TV – Lyme disease tests may not be accurate for some Canadians – Patients worried

[CanLyme Note: The Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Canada (AMMI) failed to point out that there is no ‘gold standard serology’ for Lyme disease. The only standard is American ‘surveillance criteria’ that were never intended for establishing whether or not to treat clinical cases of Lyme disease. The US surveillance criteria were established in…