6-year-old may need to relearn how to walk, talk after tick bite leads to ICU, mom says
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6-year-old may need to relearn how to walk, talk after tick bite leads to ICU, mom says

A bite from a tick left a 6-year-old Arkansas boy fighting for his life, his mother says, and he may not be the same when he wakes up. In late June, Aiden Debusk went on a short hike with his family, his mother, Laiken Debusk, told KTHV. She checked her kids for ticks when they…

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Epidemiology of Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis [Can be coinfection with other tick borne disease(s) or stand alone infections]

Nov 26th, 2018 Ehrlichiosis “Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by several Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacteria that are transmitted by a tick vector. The frequency of ehrlichiosis is increasing, which is ascribed to the increased awareness and diagnostic availability, as well as the expansion of regions populated with the most common tick vector – Amblyomma americanum (also known…

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Woman’s Mystery Illness Turns Out to Be Tick-Borne Disease

By Gillian Mohney and Dr. Sabrina Anna Rebis A 66-year-old woman’s mysterious illness that left her feverish and with slurred speech initially stumped her doctors. As the woman’s condition continued to deteriorate, an infectious disease doctor eventually identified the cause — the woman had contracted a bacterial disease caused by a tick bite. Researchers from George…

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Same Tick, Different Disease: Vermont Health Dept. Warns Of Rise Of Anaplasmosis

[CanLyme Note: Canadian cases of anaplasmosis are on the rise as well] By MITCH WERTLIEB, LIAM CONNORS SEP 28, 2016 The Vermont Department of Health announced that the state is on pace to hit a record number of cases of anaplasmosis, a disease spread by the black-legged tick. As of September, there have been 133…

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Huffington Post – Lyme in Austria

Lyme (Borreliosis), Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Bartonella, Tularemia, and more recently, Borrelia miyamotoi (a distant relative of Lyme Borreliosis) are recognized tick-borne infectious diseases in the United States, of which Lyme disease is the most common and fastest growing illness. Doctors globally say they are seeing a significant growth in co-infections when…