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Woman walks away from wheelchair after recovering from Lyme disease

July 23, 2018 Chronicle Herald by Nikki Sullivan PORT CALEDONIA — Melissa Boutilier knows how quickly life can change after you get Lyme disease and how hard it can be to diagnose it. In July 2015, Boutilier biked around the Cabot Trail for a Heart and Stroke Foundation fundraiser. She was also getting ready to…

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Yet another Canadian child forced out of Canada for proper diagnosis and treatment. Lot’s of support from locals and other Canadians.

NEW WATERFORD — A New Waterford woman who believes her son has Lyme disease is overwhelmed by the support she’s received since going public. “It’s unbelievable — people stopping by with donations and asking about Noah, the phone calls, the messages — the amount of support is someting I never expected,” said Kayla Lambert. “It…