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New G. Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab to be Established at the University of Guelph; $1.4 Million Grant Awarded June 14, 2017 – GUEPLH, Ontario: The G. Magnotta Foundation for Vector-Borne Diseases has announced a $1.4 million grant over three years to the University of Guelph, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology to undertake Canada’s…
Ontario, Canada: Lyme Disease cross-Canada trek coming to Peterborough
June 13th, 2015 PETERBOROUGH — Love doesn’t just come in the form of friendship. It can also involve bringing attention to someone’s illness and educating all of Canada on how it can help. Daniel Corso and his friend Tanner Cookson have decided to ride their bikes in honour of their dear friend, Adelaine Nohara, and…
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Canadian Lyme Consortium research network wants you! Such an important cause, please read and pass along.
June 23, 2018 Hi Folks, CanLyme is a proud and active supporter of the Canadian Lyme Consortium research network and here is their most recent communication… ————————————————- Greetings fellow members of the Lyme community; I am reaching out on behalf of the Canadian Lyme Consortium (CLC) research network to the Canadian Lyme community with an…
New Podcast: Looking at Lyme carditis with Dr. Adrian Baranchuk
October 19, 2021 In today’s podcast Sarah explores Lyme carditis with Dr. Adrian Baranchuk, a cardiologist from Kingston, Ontario. Lyme carditis is inflammation of the heart and can cause lightheadedness, palpitations, fainting, chest pain and shortness of breath. In severe cases, it can be fatal. Listen to podcast
Montreal Gazette: Quebec opening 15 long-COVID and Lyme disease clinics
[CanLyme Note: If these clinics as regards to Lyme disease are to be bound to follow the current Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada endorsed guidelines then taxpayers will have their tax dollars wasted once again and chronic Lyme disease sufferers will continue to burden the tax payer…
For Physicians | Lyme Controversy | Miscellaneous | News from CanLyme | Press Releases | Research | Voices on Lyme
Canadian Lyme disease patient groups united in rejecting the ‘one research network only’ concept of the federal government
[CanLyme Note: There is already another pan-Canadian research network that has been up and running for over a year, the Canadian Lyme Consortium. This network works closely with the patient groups together with physicians and scientists and has from it’s formation.] Joint press release “Lyme patient groups from across Canada are unified in their concern over…