
Government agency is delaying report on [Lyme] disease, treatments

Sturbridge activist seeks release of Lyme disease report


STURBRIDGE [Massachusetts] — A Lyme disease activist and sufferer claims two high-ranking state Department of Public Health officials are stalling the release of a report that could shed more light on the disease.

Patricia A. McCleary of Sturbridge said state epidemiologist Dr. Al DeMaria and state veterinarian Dr. Catherine Brown are not endorsing the findings of the Massachusetts Lyme Disease Commission’s report, which was originally slated to be released in October.

Mrs. McCleary, Dr. DeMaria and Dr. Brown all served on the 21-member commission that researched the report.

Mrs. McCleary said Dr. DeMaria and Dr. Brown told members of the commission they didn’t realize they were representing their department and, as a result, did not have the authority to sign off on the final report.

“They have delayed us now for a couple of months, and now they’re saying, no, we will not sign off on it, knowing that it is going to hold up future legislation that could come from this report that could help people,” Mrs. McCleary said. “This is holding up a huge process for people who really need it and it’s not OK that our DPH is getting away with this.”

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One Comment

  1. This whole negligence against people with lyme disease makes me think we are dealing with a problem far worse than that of the Catholic church and its systemic sexual abuse. People stand by doing nothing while millions lose their lives and means of livelihood through illness. Anyone with integrity should stand up for what is right:

    1. it is not right not to tell people what they are sick with.
    2. it is not right not to treat them with long term antibiotics when other illnesses are treated with long term antibiotics like tuberculosis, leprosy, bruscellosis, chronic q fever, whipple disease and other diseases. Why refuse to recognize chronic lyme needs long term antibiotics?
    3. it is not right not to disclose scientific findings that can help your fellow man.

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