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NEWS: “Sometimes a little rebellion is necessary”

The following is the text of Dr. Liegner’s remarks at the World Wide Lyme Rally & Protest Friday, May 10, 2013 Union Square, New York City . “Chronic Lyme disease does not exist”. There are at least four possibilities to explain why a person might hold this view: They can be ‘dumb as bags of…

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More on Who’s Who and What’s What – NIH Dr. Phil Baker Responds to Blog on American Lyme Disease Foundation

LYMEPOLICYWONK:  Last week, I posted a blog regarding the IDSA stealth front organization, the American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF).  I pointed out that the organization masquerades as a patient organization or an independent source of information, but is really just the members of the IDSA Lyme guidelines panel and a couple of businessmen. I highlighted…