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Forbes: Lyme Deaths From Heart Inflammation Likely Worse Than We Thought

September 4th, 2015 Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections are skyrocketing. In western Pennsylvania, where I work, Lyme increased 25% just between 2013 and 2014, with Butler County having 412 cases and Allegheny County chalking up a record 822 cases last year. And where I vacation, in Maine, the rate of Lyme in 2014 was…


National Post: Deadly tick-borne Powassan virus surfaces in New York state, kills 30% of those infected

A Saratoga County resident is recovering from a rare but emerging illness carried by deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease, according to a county health official. While extremely rare, Powassan virus is deadlier than other tick-borne illnesses — killing 30% of those infected statewide since 2004 — and its victims are infected much more quickly….