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CBC Radio: Why patients are caught in the battle over treating chronic Lyme disease

Medical experts and guidelines divided over chronic or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome CBC Radio · Posted: Sep 20, 2019 4:45 PM ET “For much of her life, Jane Bailey was in peak physical condition. But that all changed in the summer of 2013, when a tick made a temporary home inside her ear canal. “It was in…

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Fellow Lyme disease sufferer bakes up help for Paige

BY SUE-ANN LEVY, TORONTO SUN May 26, 2015 TORONTO – I heard from Veronique Ayling first thing on the Sunday morning my story appeared about chronic Lyme disease victim Paige Spencer. Like the 20-year-old Spencer, the mother of three was left undiagnosed with Lyme disease and even refused the traditional treatment — doxycycline — by the Canadian…